"The rope that fights back!" Put away the heavy ropes, and bring out the Anaconda. Stroops heavy resistance Anaconda brings out the inner beast of you that is generally reserved for competition. Truly acting as a freak of nature, the Anaconda counters every movement of your body demanding muscle contractions throughout the entire body. Wrap your hands around one or two of these bad boys and go for a ride. Traditional ropes only allow a single plane of force, with the incorporation of Slastix throughout the entire length of the Anaconda athletes can now attack in three separate training planes. Involving the Anaconda to any level of training regimen is not only effective, fast & physically taxing it is also SAFE. In no other training movement, not even power cleans or other Olympic lifts can you replicate the incorporation of every major muscle group simultaneously WITHOUT having to lift a single lbs above your head.
Apart from being just a "battling rope", the Anaconda is also a Resistance training piece for explosive sprints, rotational movements engaging the core, Lateral training for core stability, reverse walking for lower body strength, & endurance for cardio sprints.