A soap bar worthy of a title like “The Absolute Batch”, this Ultra Heavyweight 10oz. mega-bar comes loaded with bacteria-killing ingredients sourced World Wide - UMF 20+ Manuka Honey from New Zealand joins forces with a powerful fungus-fighting blend of Tea Tree, Thyme, and Cedarwood. Virgin Coconut oil deeply moisturizes while shredded Orange peels exfoliate dead skin acquired during heavy training. We polished off this giant with a potent infusion of “4 Thieves Oil” (Lemon, Rosemary, Clove, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon) - an herbal blend notoriously made famous by four grave-robbing thieves in the 15th century during the dark times of “The Bubonic Plague”. The thieves would coat themselves in the special concoction before robbing infectious dead bodies of their jewels to avoid becoming infected. Centuries later, we’ve harnessed this exact medicinal blend in our latest after-training creation.
*Each bar comes in a collectible box designed by 2nd degree Jiu Jitsu Black belt, Sam Kressin.